Pediatric Dental Patients – Guidelines for Parents

2018-10-04T21:09:47-04:00General, Pediatric Dental|

It is never “too early” when it comes to start caring about your child`s oral health. As soon as your child gets the very first tooth in its mouth start cleaning it with a small headed soft bristled tooth brush and smear layer (grain rice size) of fluoride toothpaste for kids. Never put your baby to bed with a bottle filled with anything else but water at night or at naptime. Milk, formula, juices and other sweet drinks, all have sugar in them. Sucking on a bottle filled with liquids that have sugar can cause tooth decay called “Early childhood decay” – condition very painful for children and very difficult for clinicians to treat. We all think that something like that can never happen to our kids but it is still most prevalent chronic childhood disease in the US. It is recommended for parents to start using a cup at […]