Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a very common condition that affects large part of the population. All age and gender groups can be affected by it. Mild cases of teeth grinding or clenching may not always require treatment. However, long term teeth grinding can lead to serious problems including clicking and popping in the jaw joints, muscular pain and headaches in the facial region, wear, migration, mobility or fractures of the teeth.
In vast majority of cases teeth grinding can be corrected or controlled. In order to properly assess and treat the condition Dr. Golalic will perform a thorough exam to evaluate a patient’s bite and determine the cause of teeth grinding. That is done by acquiring records such as photos, impressions of the teeth, bite registrations etc. Restoring balance to the bite will provide lasting, comfortable results and help to support long term oral health.
Mouth guard or dental splint: an oral appliance such as a mouth guard or dental splint can be fabricated to reduce the stress on the jaw joint and relax musculature in order to relieve symptoms of grinding.
Bite equilibration therapy: bite correction therapy is designed to address tooth damage and misalignment that is affecting the balance of the bite. Dr. Golalic may recommend a variety of restorative dental procedures or orthodontics to restore lasting dental health. Option of mildly reshaping the teeth in order to create even contacts between the teeth and eliminate damaging interferences is minimally invasive and leads to very predictable and pleasing outcomes.