
Premedication Before Dental Appointments

2018-10-04T21:03:24-04:00General, Oral Health|

Many patients are advised that they should taking antibiotics prior to undergoing certain dental appointments – to premedicate themselves. What is premedication? Premedication is a preventative step of taking antibiotics before dental procedures that can cause gum or bone bleeding such as a cleaning, extraction, root canal, deep cleaning, etc. Why do medical and dental professionals suggest this extra step?

We all have bacteria in our mouths which can enter the bloodstream through exposed areas of our oral mucosa during dental procedures. Our bodies are mostly a bacteria-free zone, although there are certain areas within the body that contain bacteria such as the mouth, intestines and surface of the skin. These areas are all protected by a layer of epithelial cells which form a protective barrier to keep the bacteria from entering the bloodstream. During a dental cleaning or other dental procedure, the protective lining may be disturbed and can provide […]

SLEEP APNEA – Is it just snoring or . . . ?

2018-10-04T21:04:00-04:00Oral Health, Sleep Dentistry|

Do you find yourself snoring or waking up throughout the night?  Are you fatigued throughout the day? Do you have high blood pressure? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you may have a condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is characterized by the repeated collapsing of one’s airway during their sleep. These pauses in breathing can occur 5-30 times or more per hour for up to a minute each time. This not only prevents restful sleep, but can also be associated with high blood pressure, arrhythmia, stroke, and heart failure.

Sleep apnea can affect the heart and blood pressure due to oxygen levels in the blood dropping when breathing stops. The body responds by releasing epinephrine, which is a stress hormone. When this stress hormone remains high, it can cause high blood pressure and heart failure, increase the risk for strokes and cause heart arrhythmia.

Your dentist plays […]

Adjunctive Measures to Achieve Better Oral Health

2018-10-04T21:05:12-04:00General, Oral Health|

In dentistry, prevention is the key to a healthy mouth and overall healthy body. This is why it is important to visit the dentist every six months and brush and floss daily. However, sometimes patients struggle with periodontal disease or are more prone to getting tooth decay. Conventional methods of oral hygiene in these cases are just not sufficient to achieve optimal oral health. In these cases, dental professionals may suggest the use of adjunctive products to help keep the mouth healthy including:  Peridex rinse, Clinpro toothpaste or Enamelon toothgel.

Peridex rinse is an oral rinse classified as a topical antiseptic (0.12% chlorhexidine-digluconate). It is used to treat ginigivitis and periodontal disease by killing bacteria in the mouth and reducing inflammation and bleeding. Patients using Peridex rinse should use 15ml of solution for 30 seconds, swishing two times a day.

Clinpro toothpaste  is another product that can be used to help patients […]

“Invisalign” – Getting the Facts Straight


Very often we get a question from our patients : “What is Invisalign and how it works?”. Here are a few facts that can help you to better understands this genuinely revolutionary approach in the tooth repositioning process.

Invisalign is an alternative option to the traditional wire and bracket braces. A series of Invisalign retainers made from thermoplastic material are custom made for the patient’s mouth.  Every week or two, depending on the treatment plan, the patients switch to a new tray varying slightly from the last. Each aligner makes slight adjustments to the tooth position and as treatment planned by a doctor.  After a series of trays, the teeth are moved to the ideal position and then a retainer is made to wear at night.

The primary benefits of Invisalign retainers are that they are virtually invisible. Nobody may notice that you are wearing them, making […]

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