
Smoking and Your Oral Health

2018-10-04T21:29:41-04:00General, Oral Health|

How does smoking impact my mouth and oral health?

Smoking can impact your overall oral health in number of ways, including:

  • Reducing blood flow and the supply of vitals nutrients to your gums, including vitamin C. Without proper nutrients, you can develop gum disease, bone loss and even tooth loss.
  • Decreasing the amount of saliva that flows through your mouth. Saliva is important for cleaning your mouth and preventing tooth decay.
  • Affecting the appearance of your teeth, making them discolored with yellow and brown stains that nicotine leave behind.
  • Causing inflammation of the roof of your mouth
  • Giving you bad breath
  • Causing you to lose your dense of taste.
  • Most important smoking cause oral cancer.

Oral cancer is the sixt most common cancer, accounting for nearly 5 percent of all cases.

If you are a smoker it’s never too late to quit. Research has shown that quitting at any age will improve your […]

Diet and Energy Drinks, Treat or Threat for Teeth?

2018-10-04T21:26:09-04:00General, Restorative|

Common misconception we hear from our patients is: “There is no sugar in diet drinks, therefore they are not bad for my teeth, right??”

Well, not quite, and this is a reason why:

There is a certain level of pH value your teeth can tolerate and enjoy. pH is a logarithmic measure of how acidic a liquid is.  That level is between 5.5 and 7. A lower pH means greater acidity. Stomach acid has a pH of approximately 1.5 to 3.5.  Tap water has a pH of 7.  A key point to remember when you’re drinking diet soda is: both diet and regular sodas are just slightly less acidic than stomach acid!

The acid wears down your tooth enamel. And your tooth enamel is the main defense against  caries progression. Diet pop has the potential to contribute to enamel breakdown and when combined with sugar can contribute to rampant decay!

Product Acid

Things You Should Know About Tooth Decay

2018-10-04T21:22:33-04:00Cosmetic Dentistry, General, Pediatric Dental, Restorative|

Dental caries is infectious and transmissible disease of tooth structure. It might surprise you that bacterial cause of tooth decay can be passed along from person to person.

Dental caries or tooth decay is caused by specific types of bacteria. They produce acid that destroys the tooth’s enamel and the layer under it, the dentin. Many different types of bacteria normally live in the human mouth. They build up on the teeth in a sticky film called plaque. This plaque also contains saliva, bits of food and other natural substances. It forms most easily in cracks, pits or grooves in the back teeth, between the teeth, around dental fillings, bridges and restorations and near the gum line.

To detect caries dental practitioner uses clinical examination, radiographic findings (x-rays) and if needed additional diagnostic tests. Only incipient (initial) carious lesions that are […]

Fluorides – Guidelines for Use


Fluoride is nature’s cavity fighter. It’s effective in preventing and reversing the early signs of dental caries. It inhibits demineralization of tooth enamel.

Fluoride is obtained in two forms: topical and systemic.

Topical fluoride application is recommended for both pediatric and adult patients. It strengthens the teeth making them more decay-resistant. Topical fluorides can be found in toothpastes, mouth rinses and professionally applied fluoride varnishes or foams.

Systemic fluorides are those that are ingested into the body and become incorporated into forming tooth structures. Fluoride supplements – tablets, drops and lozenges are available by prescription only. They are intended for use by children ages six months to 16 years that drink non-fluoridated water and are at high risk for developing tooth decay. For optimum benefits, per American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, use of dietary fluoride supplements should begin when a child is six months old and be continued daily until the child is […]

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